Tag: Document Imaging

Introduction to Document Scanning / Indexing

A quick look into the World of Document Scanning & Indexing

Document Scanning Indexing
The idea here is to have a bash at introducing you to the world of document scanning (or document imaging, as it is sometimes called).

Many people have this notion that, in order to convert their paper documents to digital images, all they need to do is buy a scanner and connect it to their “computer”, use the “software” that comes with the scanner and, voila, they are off and running…

That is sometimes true when you are scanning your private documents or photographs, but it is seldom true when it comes to document management in business. Unfortunately, many only find this out once they have bought all the other components and are ready to begin capturing their documents. They then find out that they have no budget left to do it properly and so look for the cheapest approach. As usual, as with anything in life, you get what you pay for and the project is probably doomed to failure.

On the other hand, doing your research can be overwhelming, as you start encountering:
(And this isn’t close to being all of them…)

  • document logging and tracking, prep, post-prep, batch headers
  • structured, semi-structured and unstructured documents
  • dynamic, static and legal documents
  • 2-D and 3-D barcodes, patchcodes, separator sheets
  • forward scanning, back scanning, centralised scanning, distributed scanning, bureau scanning,
    outsourced scanning
  • flatbeds, ADFs, MFDs, handhelds, camera-based
  • ISIS, TWAIN, simplex, duplex
  • auto-rotation, deskew, despeckle, ACD, cropping, dithering, drop-out colours, endorsing
  • quality control, form recognition, data capture, forms processing, data entry, CADE, ODBC, data extraction, indexing
  • double keying, zonal locators, validation, verification, thresholds
  • OCR, ICR, IMR, MICR, full text, fuzzy logic, metadata
  • greyscale, bitmaps, pixels, bpi, bpp, thumbnails
  • blobs, BMPs, JPEGs, PDFs, TIFFs, compression ratios
  • document control, document management, content management, revisioning, document archiving, records management, retention policies, taxonomies
  • collaboration, BPA, BPM, workflow

Our intention is to try to shed some light on these and other issues (hopefully making it a little more interesting than it looks…)

So sit back and let’s see where this journey into Document Scanning takes us…


Drowning in Paper?

Backscanning is the solution

  • A recent Price Waterhouse study required a paralegal to find 20 documents out of 20,000. After 67 hours of searching, the paralegal found 15 of the requested 20 documents. Given the same task, a document imaging system found all 20 documents in less than 3 seconds.
    —Imaging Product News Magazine

  • Scan4U BackScanning can assist

Are you battling to cope with the increasingly high costs associated with inefficient management of paper documents? A paper dependent office usually means wasted space, limited accessibility, and poor productivity. Filing cabinets take up valuable space and are often unorganized. Accessibility becomes an issue when multiple users want access to the same document. Furthermore, employees waste valuable company time searching for business critical information.

Scan4U Scanning Services can assist by converting these paper documents into searchable digital images through the utilisation of high volume, high quality scanners, superior software and experienced Data capturers, who “index” the documents for later search and retrieval.

Our goal is to provide you with the ability to instantly access business critical information through scanned images of your paper documents. Rather than spending time LOOKING for information, you can spend your time USING that information.

Imagine never leaving your desk again to find a document. You would simply retrieve the document image on your computer and then review, print, fax, or e-mail the document as needed. Consider a work environment without filing cabinets or document storage management headaches!

However, document retrieval isn’t the only important aspect to our scanning services…

Businesses today should have contingency plans in place to cover the catastrophic loss that could happen as a result of flooding, fire, terrorism or other disaster. Most companies have regular tape backups of their electronic data but what about backups of all your paperwork? A recent report indicated that companies which suffered a major loss of information due to fire typically went out of business within 12 months. Scan4U’s document scanning and archival enables you to have multiple copies of your documents on and off-site and these can be re-instated within minutes of any disaster so that staff can carry on with their work.

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Document Scanning

The World of Document Scanning

Document Scanning, sometimes referred to as digitising documents, converts your backlog of paper documents into searchable electronic document images.

  • Reduce your stress levels by removing all those piles of paper;
  • Save money by recovering the space used by all those filing cabinets;
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction by responding to your Customers’ queries instantly with exactly the information they need!
Scan4U Scanning Services can help you! As one of South Africa’s leading document scanning companies, we can digitise your paper documents into electronic PDF or TIFF documents (or any other document format you would like) on CD or other storage device of choice.

We do this by utilising our high volume, high quality scanners; superior software; and experienced Data Capturers, who will “index” the documents so that you can search for and retrieve the image as and when you need it.
You can store 20 – 30 boxes of A4 documents as images onto one CD-ROM – quite a difference in storage space!

You could even search the resulting digitised document image for contextualised text strings – exactly like you would in Adobe PDF Reader or Microsoft Word.

Our goal is to provide you with the ability to instantly access your critical business information by viewing digitised scanned images of your paper documents. Rather than spending your time LOOKING for information, we want you to spend your time USING that information.

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